
Shape is an important part of our lives.
We have studied some influential artists that have used shape in different ways.


Walissy Kandinsky Picture

Find examples of the list of shape and space vocabulary on the Kandinsky pictures.  Create your own personal dictionary of shape and space terms.

1.    Paste your Kandinsky picture onto the coloured card
2.    Cut out each of the vocabulary words.
3.    Using the dictionary to help you, find examples of each of the words.
4.    Paste the words around the picture and match the example with a thick black line
5.    Fill in the alphabet organiser with terms and personal definitions to create your own glossary.
6.    Print out your personal glossary

   Maurits Cornelis Escher is one of the world’s most popular graphic artists.  He was born on June 17, 1898, in the Netherlands.
    When he was 21 years old, Escher began studying architecture because it was something his father wanted him to do.  But Escher didn’t like it.  After only one week, Escher dropped his architecture classes and started studying graphic design.
    After finishing school, he traveled to countries like Italy, Spain, and the United States, displaying his work in galleries and museums.  Escher loved to draw and engrave wood.  He was a master of symmetry, as seen in his many tessellating works.  Some of his artwork shows impossible spaces and situations.  Even after his death in 1972, Escher’s artwork continues to amaze millions of people all over the world.